Tuesday, September 19, 2017

No posts due to Hurricane María

Hey Guys.

Ryder here. I'm writing this to let you guys know that I won't be able to post for a while because of Hurricane María. I know I said this with Hurricane Irma but this time is different. It's already known that hurricane Maria will hit where I live. Thank you all for reading my content. I really appreciate it. Those of you who are also going to get hit by Maria, please be safe. Don't leave your homes or shelter until it's 100% safe to do so. Please remember to stay healthy and be with your loved ones. I don't know when or if I will be able to make another post. So for now, take care and always smile.


Friday, September 15, 2017

Chinese Hatsune Miku?

Hey guys!
So recently I found on YouTube called “花花世界“ (Flower World) by 洛天依 (Luo Tian Yi). Now, the video is cute and all, but I couldn’t help see the similarities she has with Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid. She’s a synthesized voice like Miku (of course, she's a Vocaloid as well so it's a given) and the way she’s drawn (other than the hair) is strikingly similar to Miku.
Vocaloid has been around for 10 years now and there’s no questioning how popular it has become throughout the years. For many people, it’s their main way of listening to Japanese music. However, I’ve recently come across a video by a Hatsune Miku lookalike by the name of Luo Tian Yi. Now, Luo Tian Yi is also a Vocaloid, but she’s Chinese. She’s also the main Chinese Vocaloid so that might be the reason she and Hatsune Miku look alike. I’ve heard many of her songs such as “Story in the Wind”, “ 花花世界”, and “Alley”.

Personally, I am actually happy that they have Chinese Vocaloid because it makes the Vocaloid fan-community bigger and you have more variety of languages while listening to them. I hope you guys check her songs out because they are really good and catchy, as well as interesting (of course all Vocaloid songs are).

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Million Yen Women (Review)

Million Yen Women is a Japanese Series on Netflix released in 2017. All of the episodes were released on the same day (August 15). It’s about an unpopular artist by the name of Shin Michima who lives with 5 women who give him a million yen as rent. There are certain rules in the household such as no questions, no going to the rooms, and they must eat together at the table. However, the mystery isn’t in the background stories of the females, but who was the person who invited the 5 females to the author’s home. As the story progresses, many events occur that keep you on the edge of your seat.

Honestly, I didn’t like the series at first since the first episode wasn’t really interesting until the very end of it when the author admits that the reason why he doesn’t kill anyone in his novels is because his own father is on death row. After three or four episodes in, I finally realized I was hooked into the series. Although it was only 12 episodes long, each one reels you in further and further into the plot. One thing I didn’t like was the over dramatization in the rival author’s side and how childish some of the characters seemed along the way. Another thing is the fact that you kinda get lost in a few parts because so much stuff is happening all at once; however, the ending was satisfying enough since the series was more in a realistic aspect and not a fictional/ fantasy one.

I give this series 3 pairs of paws because of the complicated story line and mysterious/ suspenseful atmosphere along with the realistic plot that it has. 🐾🐾🐾 I still felt like it was a bit bland in a few occasions, but I think this series is good to watch.

I'm back! Everyone in my family is fine after Irma (thank God). Thank you guys for reading this post! I hope you guys enjoyed it. Take care! Nya! :3

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

No posts for a while

Hey guys,

This week will be a bit different. I won't be posting any reviews, comparisons , etc. because right now we're preparing for Hurricane Irma. I live in the area where it's already in Hurricane Warning, so I won't be posting anything at all for this week and probably next week. I hope the worst case scenario doesn't happen, but if it does, please know that I had a blast writing this blog for the short amount of time that it was up. Thank you all for reading this and following me on my social media pages. I really appreciate it. If the worst case scenario doesn't happen, I will keep on posting this page as soon as possible.

Either way, thank you all and please take care. Nya!